Hello, I am Sheryl Knopf, MSW, LICSW and I am a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker. I received my MSW from Boston College. I have been in Private Practice for over 30 yrs.
I am trained in many psychotherapy techniques. I worked in outpatient mental health settings in the Boston area until moving to Western Mass, where, I had a long standing private practice in West Springfield and Greenfield,MA. In 2011 I moved my practice to Newburyport, MA.
I provide individual and couples psychotherapy. I completed EMDR Level I and II training in 2002, and am Certified in EMDR. I am trained in Natural Processing which combines EMDR with Somatic Therapy which helps one increase your awareness of your body. I have found EMDR/Natural Processing to be extremely helpful to my clients. EMDR /Natural Processing successfully assists clients with being able to resolve long standing stuck patterns that are keeping you from moving forward in your life and being happy. Some examples of these stuck patterns are having experienced an accident or having had experiencing childhood traumas. I like to provide clients with a ‘ bag of tools’ to help them improve their lives. These tools include EMDR,/Natural Processing, relaxation techniques, supportive therapy, and Life Coaching.
I am a long time member of the National Association of Social Workers
Affiliations with N.A.S.W. include:
- Commission Member of NASW’s Social Work Therapy Referral Service since 1997.
- A Co-founder of the Social Work Therapy Referral Service in Western Massachusetts.
I am a member of the EMDR International Association.
I am an EMDR Certified provider. Affiliations with EMDRIA include:
- Co-Coordinator of the Greater Boston Regional EMDRIA Network since 2012-2020
- Steering committee of the EMDR Network of Western Mass; Treasurer 2010-2012.
I am trained in mediation by The Mediation and Training Collaborative in Franklin County, MA
I am a weaver, I love to create, and I have been doing Tai Qi Chaun for many years.