Tag: <span>marriage</span>

The Power of Handwriting by Robert Lee Hotz

I am big believer in writing in a journal. When you actually hand write out your thoughts and feelings your brain is better able to process what you are writing.

This article supports the power of hand writing. Students who take notes gy hand outperform students who type. http://www.wsj.com/articles/can-handwriting-make-you-smarter-1459784659

So grab a journal and do some writing about what is on your mind!

Don’t Apologize So Fast : Best way to make up after an argument

Here are 5 clear steps to use to make up after an argument

1. Wait to talk until you both are not longer upset

2. Give up the idea you need to be right. Instead focus on how you feel

3. Verbalize your understanding of how the other person feels

4. Quash any impulse to defend you position

5. Accept that it will take a little time to feel better.. Set a time to check in with each to see how things are between you.

Read the full article at this link: by Elizabeth Bernstein WSJ

Research shows that breathing is so effective at reducing stress

Read about a breathing technique called SKY. It is a type of cyclical controlled breathing practice with roots in traditional …

How Being Bullied Affects Your Adulthood

Being bullied in school seems to have long term effects as teens become adults. being bullied can look similar to PTSD. Read …

American jobs are grueling, according to a newly published RAND survey.

For the first time in 2015, the nonprofit think tank asked its nationally representative survey panel about their attitudes …